More Speech - Guaranteed
Words help us understand. Is our child happy? Sad? In pain?
When our children cannot speak, we lose a connection with them.
Many children with autism have a speech delay, apraxia, or dyspraxia. Dr Skowron has been working in his private practice for almost 20 years helping children with autism speak more.
While these treatments help the children in his practice, he is finally releasing his treatment protocol to the world!
Introducing The Skowron Solution
A guaranteed protocol of natural supplements to support your child’s language development within 30 days!
The Skowron Solution supports normal brain chemistry levels. Research shows serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, and other chemicals in the brain are at abnormal levels in children with autism. The natural supplements that are used by the brain are scientifically and clinically proven to nourish normal language.
Make sure to record videos of your child, so you can document the changes. Your family, teachers, speech therapists, and more importantly you, will be astounded by the words you may have never heard before!
"I upped the dose of Super folinic acid to 1/4 tsp. and my son is up to 3 tablets of Super Serotonin...morning, noon, evening. He is 12 now. He just started MAINSTREAMING in school for 3 classes? I never thought this would happen, literally a dream come true. He has been reading and starting to write legibly. He is a lot calmer although focusing remains an issue. He sleeps through the night and I really think that helps his detoxing, and nervous system balance. Thank you again, Dr. Jared Skowron!" - Tanya C.
Improvements Guaranteed!
Now, wait a minute, sound too good to be true? We appreciate cautious optimism.
If you don’t see any changes within 30 days, return for a full refund!
That is how much we believe the Skowron Solution will your child grow language.
"My advice is to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time."
-Charles Dickens
Simply Put:
We want to help your child. Dr Skowron has a huge success rate in his practice helping children with autism talk more.
Now, he’s bringing his protocol to you!
"I got much better speech after using the right dose. At first I started with 1/8 tsp, now I give 3 scoops of 1/8 a day. HUGE change. More conversational." - Maria A.
Try the Skowron Solution. It will help your child. If it doesn’t, send it back within 30 days and get a FULL REFUND.
And thank you, For helping us Awaken the Spectrum, with Spectrum Awakening.
Dr. Skowron lectures at conference along side Jenny McCarthy, Temple Grandin, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Erin Brockovich. They are not associated with Spectrum Awakening.